Sunday 17 August 2014

Safari and fun in Algeria


To recognize the State of Algeria

ضملثقهض, hg^^:hwv

Algeria(ælˈɪəriə/or/ɔːl-/;LiteraryArabic:الجزائرal-JazāʼirTamazightDzayer, FrenchAlgérie), officially People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, is a country in the Maghreb region of North Africa on theMediterranean coast. Its capital and most populous city is Algiers. With a total area of 2,381,741 square kilometres (919,595 sq mi), 90% of which is desert, Algeria is the tenth-largest country in the world, and the largest in Africa and in the Mediterranean.[10] The country is bordered in the northeast by Tunisia, in the east by Libya, in the west by Morocco, in the southwest by Western SaharaMauritania, and Mali, in the southeast by Niger, and in the north by theMediterranean Sea.
مقام الشهيد Open Square in the capital Riyadh
A view of the square in the capital Riyadh Open
The territory of today's Algeria was the home of many prehistoric cultures, including Aterian and Capsian and the "Proto-Imaziɣen" cultures. Its area has known many empires and dynasties, including ancient AmaziɣNumidiansPhoenecians, Lybio-Punic Carthaginians,RomansVandalsByzantines, Arab Umayyads, ArabAbbasids, Multi-Ethnic FatimidsAmaziɣ Almoravids,Amaziɣ AlmohadsTurkish Ottomans and the French colonial empire. In recent decades Algeria along with the other nations of the "Desert Belt" has experienced an identity crisis, in response Algeria, along with Morocco, has nationalized Tamaziɣt the language of its 13,000 year old people. Algeria is a semi-presidential republic, it consists of 48 provinces and 1541 communes. With a population of 37.9 million, it is the 35th most populated country on Earth. Abdelaziz Bouteflika has been the President of Algeria since 1999 and has won four consecutive elections. However, according to the Democracy Index Algeria is anauthoritarian regime.
A city of Constantine bridges
The territory of today's Algeria was the home of many prehistoric cultures, including Aterian and Capsian and the "Proto-Imaziɣen" cultures. Its area has known many empires and dynasties, including ancient AmaziɣNumidiansPhoenecians, Lybio-Punic Carthaginians,RomansVandalsByzantines, Arab Umayyads, ArabAbbasids, Multi-Ethnic FatimidsAmaziɣ Almoravids,Amaziɣ AlmohadsTurkish Ottomans and the French colonial empire. In recent decades Algeria along with the other nations of the "Desert Belt" has experienced an identity crisis, in response Algeria, along with Morocco, has nationalized Tamaziɣt the language of its 13,000 year old people. Algeria is a semi-presidential republic, it consists of 48 provinces and 1541 communes. With a population of 37.9 million, it is the 35th most populated country on Earth. Abdelaziz Bouteflika has been the President of Algeria since 1999 and has won four consecutive elections. However, according to the Democracy Index Algeria is anauthoritarian regime.
الطاسيلي بالجزائر Tassili, Algeria
Hoggar summit

armée algérienne

 Algeria has the second largest army in North Africa with the largest defense budget in Africa. Algeria has had a peaceful nuclear program since the 1990s. Algeria is a member of the African Union, the Arab League, OPEC and the United Nations, and a founding member of the Arab Maghreb Union.

Join the Algerian army.

 In particularly hard conditions and complexes as well on the material plan as on that of the organization, vis-á-vis a policy colonialist made of oppression and economic looting, the algerian people and his real revolutionary militants took the irreversible decision to engage the armed struggle against the colonial mode. 

    It was necessary, by all the means and at the price of all the sacrifices, to liquidate, the bases of the foreign domination established by the force since more than one century.

    Matured by a whole series of political stages, cultural and psychological transformations, knowing dimensions of its drama like the requirements of the fight anticolonialist, the algerian people, under the banner of her revolutionary vanguard, started the liberator combat. 
   In November1st, 1954, the first blows of rifle of the first combatants, lighting up the sky of the Fatherland. The revolutionary organization by the armed action that it had started causes a total rupture with the old methods of political opposition. The National Liberation’s Army (NLA) was the realization instrument of these aspirations of freedom. Also, and as of the release of the armed struggle, the persons in charge politico-military for the NLA endeavoured to set up the structures of the army.      
  In conformity with one of the principles of the guerrilla (war fire), the units are formed small groups. The latter have certainly a light armament, but were extremely mobile and effective.

    One year after the offensive of Constantine’s North (August 20, 1955), day for day, in August 20th, 1956, held the Congress of Soummam, it resulted from them the historical platform which, on the military level, decided the reorganization of the NLA in battalions, companies, sections and groups, with in support a whole administrative organization represented by intelligence and press, the weaponry, finance, information, equipment, connection, health services.


     In addition, the NLA gradually obtained equipment ever more and more modern, and of weapon lies implementing a great capacity of fire. well Involved and especially well structured, the NLA will prove its effectiveness on the battle field and the Moudjahidine, that the enemy considered at the beginning a handle rebels, whom he scorned and underestimated, go by the grace of their determination and their irreducible will to force the occupant to sit down with the table of the negotiations, thus tearing off high fight and by the force of the weapons, national independence.

    "The National Liberation’s front and the National Liberation’s Army indissolubly bound drew one and the other their raison to be in the will of liberation of the algerian nation, against the colonial yoke and while being based on energies sharp of the entire people. Applying the strategic principles of the revolutionary war, the National Liberation’s Army constituted the spearhead of a fight which the algerian people left victorious.
 Algerian army jumped from the center: 38 to the center: 31 in the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world for 2014, and prepared by the site every year "Global Fire Power" American specialist in military affairs.
The report shows that the National People's Army offers seven places from its ranking for 2013.
The classification is based on several key elements to arrange armies such as: manpower and Land Army, Air Force and Navy and oil reserves and reserve national and state geographically.

Tourism in Algeria

There are many World Heritage Sites by UNESCO in Algeria including Castle Bani Hammad, the first capital of the empire Hammad, Tipaza, Phoenician city in Romania and later. And Djémila and Timgad, both Romanian ruins, gutter valley, the valley of limestone containing large urban oasis. Also in the Algiers Casbah is important castle.
An oasis in the Hoggar
The only natural World Heritage Sites is the Tassili Alhoggar

Lake Agoulmime, Tikjda.
Has already been hindered the development of the tourism sector in Algeria because of the lack of facilities, but since 2004, been implementing a strategy of tourism development and wide, resulting in many of the hotels with a high level of talk being built.

Algerian road network is the most intense in the African continent, with a length of approximately 180,000 km of highways, at a rate of more than 3756 structures and paving of 85%. Must be completed on the infrastructure major highways completion of this network, and the East-West Highway. It is 3 in the direction and 1216 km, and connects the city of Annaba in the far east to the city of Tlemcen in the west much. Algeria also crossed the highway through the desert, which is now completely paved.
This prompted the way forward by the Algerian government to increase trade between the six countries crossed (Algeria, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Chad and Tunisia).

For more, visit this link.:


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Travel lovers

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