Tuesday 9 September 2014

Madina Munawara

Medina, the Prophet's Mosque

Medina Alqubha Muslims "good" first capital in the history of Islam, and the second holiest 
 Places for Muslims after Mecca. Is the capital of the area of ​​Medina, located on the land of Hijaz historical western Saudi Arabia, located Medina, about 400 km from Mecca in the northeast direction, and a distance of about 150 km east of the Red Sea, and the nearest ports, it is a port of Yanbu, which is located on the west side of the south, which is just about 220 km, covers an area of ​​Medina, about 589 km ² of which 99 km ² operated the urban area, while the rest of the area is outside the urban area, and is composed of mountains and valleys and slopes of Seoul and desert land and other agricultural and cemeteries and parts of the highway network . 

) Said oaz range of them, O people of Yathrib do not serve you: Founded Medina before the Prophet's migration to more than 1,500 years old, and I knew before the advent of Islam as "Yathrib", has mentioned this name in the Koran Varjawa and asked permission from the team of whom the prophet say that our homes rougher that what are rougher if they want to escape only) and came right to speak to the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah is the name of Yathrib to the city, and forbade the use of the old name, he said: «Who said the city" Yathrib "Felictghafr God ...», and Medina is forbidden Access to non-Muslims, and the Prophet Muhammad said: «Oh God, I enter ihraam between Aptiha like what the campus of Abraham Mecca, and God bless them in providing Sallm». 

Medina includes three oldest mosques in the world, particularly for Muslims, namely: the Mosque of the Prophet ,
And Quba Mosque

And mosque Qiblatain

. Derives Medina 
Have revealed the importance of Muslims from the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and his residence, where it during the remaining period of his life, and the city is one of the most prominent places and called on Muslims verse from the Quran that there is a civil fence, and the combination, "Surat civil". 

The city has a population of about 1.3 million people and includes the city among many bosom effects, most notably the Prophet's Mosque, which is the second holiest mosque for Muslims after the Grand Mosque in Mecca, in addition to the Baqi 'cemetery, which is the main cemetery for the people of the city, which was buried a lot of companions, Quba Mosque and the first mosque built in Islam, a mosque Qiblatain, and mount, and a lot of valleys and wells, streets and lanes and alleys of old.


  1. В котором находится красивые фотографии

  2. Kota terbaik di dunia dan masjid terbaik setelah Masjid haram di Mekkah O blessed kami mengunjungi.


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