Sunday 21 September 2014

Tablat City

Tablat City


Tablat, is a city of Algeria, capital of town and Dairi the same name in the province of Medea in Algeria

tablat Algeria
Tablat site map


Tablat is a mountain resort located 500 m above sea level on the southern slopes of the Atlas Tellian 65 km south of Algiers and 130 km northeast of Medea, the head of the wilaya

تابلاط المدية الجزائر
The view from the south side of Tablat


Tablat is the former Tablata, capital of a Roman walk in the fifth century , according to Oscar McCarthy (1825-1913), in charge since 1849 by the Minister of War with a mission of exploration Algerian territories, a member of the Algiers historical Society of the archaeological society of Algiers.

This is the region of Cheurfa and Moors from Morocco and Andalusia in the early fifteenth century which formed the largest AARCH Beni Sliman which consisted of seven tribes: Bahata; Tiara El Ouazana, Tourtatine, Tablat, Mezghana.

During the Ottoman occupation, Tablat reported to the caliphate of Sebaou Grande Kabylie and authority of the Agha of Algiers.

The Emir Abd el-Kader had placed under the authority of Ahmed Ben Salem, khalifa of Sebaou.

The colonial center was established in 1876 in the department of Algiers and became mixed community in 1879 In 1958 he was head be attached to the Department of Titteri district..


Tablat comes from the Berber and means flat stone.


The area live mainly from agriculture.

Personalities linked to the common 

Omar Boudjellab (1930-2006), a physician and Algerian politician. Former mujahideen and former minister.
Abdelkader Tijani If Abdeka (1937-1997), Mujahid, former DAG presidency of the republic. Major of the first class "Emir Abdelkader" National School of Administration (Algeria) (1964/1968), public administration section. Founder of the local football team (EST).

Moussa Touati, President of the Algerian National Front.


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